The approach saves travel expenses and is especially useful for organizations with branch offices. The typical schedule for training on site is located here.Ī webinar version is also available. The complete solutions are in a third tabbed window, so if you get stuck the answers are a click away. The exercises contain hints that show the general structure of the solution you adapt those hints to get the final solution.
Then we switch to exercises, which are already open in another tabbed window. The instructor presents a topic for around twenty minutes. The 0n-site version is the most engaging by far, generating much discussion and occasionally veering off briefly to cover topics specific to a particular organization. This workshop is available on-site or via webinar. That makes it easy to review what we did later with full explanations, or to learn more about a particular subject by extending an example which you have already seen. Most of the examples come from the highly-regarded books by the instructor, R for SAS and SPSS Users and R for Stata Users(no knowledge of those languages is required). However, the handouts include each step and its output, so feel free to skip the computing it’s easy to just relax and take notes. You will see both the instructor’s screen and yours, as we run the examples and discuss the output. Most of our time will be spent working through examples that you may run simultaneously on your computer. For example, many R functions let you specify which data set to use in a way that looks identical to SAS, but which differs in a way that is likely to lead to perplexing error messages. We will also discuss aspects of R that are likely to trip you up.
Then we’ll cover add-on commands that work similarly to your current software. For many topics we will begin with R’s built-in commands that offer sparse but flexible output. This workshop introduces R in a way that takes advantage of what you already know.
However, its flexible approach is so different from other software that it can be frustrating to learn. R is free and powerful software for data analysis and graphics. I leave the workshop pages up just to let people know. I enjoyed teaching R workshops for many years, but I have retired from teaching them.